
Customer Journey Map

Instantly tag your insights by stage of customer journey

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Customer Journey Map

Journey mapping is a process by which you visualize a user's interactions with a product or service over time and across different channels. The goal is to get a holistic view of the customer's experience, identify pain points, and find areas for improvement.

When tagging data for journey mapping, the primary tags would typically be associated with different stages of the user's journey, followed by tags for the experiences the user has at each stage. For this reason, this template considers two layers of classification.

This template creates an empathy map based on the following tags:

First we’ll tag insights based on stage:

Awareness: the stage where the customer first becomes aware of the product or service through various marketing and advertising efforts.

Consideration: when the customer starts comparing and evaluating different options available in the market.

Decision: refers to the stage where the customer makes a final choice based on their evaluation.

Purchase: the point where the customer completes the transaction and acquires the product or service.

Post-Purchase: the phase where the customer experiences the product or service, potentially leading to repeat purchases, customer loyalty, or feedback.

Sub classification

Goals: What the user is doing at each stage. Insights might include "Searching Information," "Comparing Options," "Making a Purchase," "Using the Product," or "Seeking Support."

Touchpoints: Where and how the user interacts with the product or service. Insights could include "Website," "Mobile App," "Physical Store," "Customer Service," or "Social Media."

Emotions: How the user is feeling at each stage of the journey. Insights could include "Confused," "Frustrated," "Excited," "Satisfied," or "Disappointed."

Pain Points: Problems or difficulties that the user encounters. Insights might include "Difficult Navigation," "Poor Customer Service," "Long Wait Times," or "Technical Problems."

Opportunities: Areas for improvement or potential solutions to the user's pain points. Insights could include "Improve Website Design," "Enhance Customer Service," "Shorten Delivery Time," or "Develop New Features."

By tagging your data in this way, you can organize your findings and see patterns more easily. This can help you gain a better understanding of the user's experience and can guide your decisions about how to improve that experience.

How to use this template to create your customer journey map

This template creates the above tags for you to organize your insights. Most templates use our classification view, which can tag all insights for you automatically after you provide one or more examples of an insight that fits into a given tag category. Here’s how to use this template:

  1. Create a new view and choose the customer journey map template
  2. Find at least one example from the uncategorized section and map it to one of the columns created by this template
  3. When each column has one or more examples in it, click “Classify”

And that’s it! CustomerIQ’s AI will go to work sorting your insights. This process typically takes only 20-30 seconds.

Pro tip: Classify, then discover

If you find that the newly formed groups have a large number of insights, you can find themes within this new group by creating a new view, filtering by this classification tag, and using the AI to discover underlying themes. Learn more about the practice: Classify, then discover here.

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