Customer Success

Preparing to Onboard Customers

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Seamless Customer Onboarding with CustomerIQ

Once your sales team closes a new deal, the next step is preparing to onboard the customer. With CustomerIQ, you can manage the onboarding process quickly and efficiently. Here’s how to get started in just a few clicks.

Step 1: Review or Generate a Handoff Document

A smooth onboarding process often starts with a handoff document from sales. This document provides essential context, including what the customer hopes to achieve, their pain points, and other key details.

  1. Navigate to the Customers tab, then go to Accounts to find the new account. For example, let’s say it's GreenWave Media.
  2. If the sales rep has already created a handoff document, simply go to Docs and review the file. It will contain important details like company size, industry, and customer goals.

If no document has been generated yet, don't worry—you can create one in just a click.

Step 2: Generating a Handoff Document with AI Assistance

If the handoff document hasn’t been created, generating one is easy with CustomerIQ’s AI assistant:

  1. Go to the Docs tab and click on the Sales to Customer Success Handoff Document option.
  2. The AI assistant will compile all the relevant context gathered during previous interactions, including customer goals, tools they’ve used, and any other key information.

You can edit and add notes to the document as needed, ensuring you have all the information necessary to start onboarding.

Step 3: Leveraging the AI Assistant for Additional Context

Sometimes you may have specific questions or need further details about the customer. CustomerIQ’s AI assistant acts as a repository of all previous conversations and can answer questions just like a smart assistant.

For example, you might ask:

  • What platforms did the customer use before us?

CustomerIQ will provide the answer based on past interactions. The assistant can pull up relevant information, such as a mention of Google Ad Manager in a sales call, giving you valuable context in seconds.

Step 4: Customizing and Finalizing the Handoff Document

Once your document is generated, you can further customize it:

  1. Save the document by clicking Add to Doc, and it will be stored for future reference.
  2. Edit the document to add any specific notes or updates based on your own onboarding process or customer preferences.

Conclusion: A Fast and Efficient Start to Onboarding

With CustomerIQ, you have everything you need for a seamless onboarding process. From generating handoff documents to accessing detailed customer context, our platform ensures your customer success team is well-prepared to deliver an exceptional onboarding experience.

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