Slack integration

Update your CRM data and get insights without leaving Slack

Connect CustomerIQ's AI Slack bot to automate CRM data entry, review meeting summaries, and manage insights to keep everyone aligned on key tasks and opportunities.

trusted by high-performing teams everywhere
Get insights

Push Slack messages to CustomerIQ for analysis

Empower anyone in your Slack workspace to push feedback, notes, and summaries to CustomerIQ for analysis. CustomerIQ constantly extracts and organizes highlights so you never miss a detail.

Manage your CRM

Manage automated data entry

Get notified every time CustomerIQ updates CRM fields or finds something relevant to you in one of your accounts. Now you always have the most important information when you need it.

Workflow efficiency

Confirm and sync AI suggested tasks

Manage tasks recommended by CustomerIQ seconds after meetings, email threads, or relevant support tickets without ever leaving Slack.


Review meeting briefs, summaries, and other notifications

With CustomerIQ + Slack you're prepared for every meeting, even ones you were added to last minute. Easily share highlights and summaries of meetings with your team. And get notified every time there's a highlight in one of your accounts.

Use cases

How teams use CustomerIQ + Slack

Prepare for meetings and automate CRM data entry.
Perfect the sales handoff and get notified about issues in accounts.
Push product feedback to your self-organizing workspace.
Get meeting summaries and customer insights directly in Slack.

Frequently asked questions

How do we get started?

It's simple! Any Slack workspace admin can install the CustomerIQ app, connecting your CustomerIQ workspace with your Slack workspace. Then, each CustomerIQ user will enable Slack notifications from within your CustomerIQ workspace.

How do we push messages to CustomerIQ?

Anytime a message is shared that you want to send to your workspace, click the actions button and push to CustomerIQ. It's that simple!

What does the CustomerIQ + Slack App enable?

Push messages to Slack for analysis in CustomerIQ, get insights, confirm CRM data entry, confirm tasks, and get meeting summaries all from within Slack.

Does it cost more to connect Slack?

Nope! In fact, we encourage every workspace on every plan to connect Slack as it makes the CustomerIQ faster and more magical with every insight.

Connect CustomerIQ to Slack

Connect integrations, follow our start guide, and have your team up and running in minutes.