
Identifying Content Opportunities

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Finding Content Opportunities with CustomerIQ

CustomerIQ helps you uncover valuable content opportunities by analyzing customer interactions from sales calls, customer success calls, and support tickets. By filtering questions and using AI to identify trends, you can create content that directly addresses your customers' needs. Here's how you can leverage this feature to shape your content strategy.

Step 1: Create a View for Content Opportunities

To start, create a view that gathers customer questions from recent interactions:

  1. Navigate to Highlights, then go to Views.
  2. Create a new view and name it "Content Opportunities."
  3. Filter the highlights by the last 90 days to see recent interactions.
  4. Apply a filter for the Questions category to focus specifically on the questions your customers have been asking.

For example, you might find 44 relevant questions from recent sales calls, support tickets, or emails.

Step 2: Discover Common Themes with AI

Once your view is set, use CustomerIQ’s AI to cluster and organize related questions:

  1. Click Start Discovering, and CustomerIQ will analyze the data to group similar questions together.
  2. The AI will display clusters of frequently asked questions, such as feature training sessions, security and compliance inquiries, and product updates.

This helps you quickly identify recurring themes that could be valuable topics for your content strategy.

Step 3: Investigate and Prioritize Topics

After identifying common themes, you can dive deeper into specific clusters:

  1. Click on individual clusters to explore the associated questions.
  2. Review the account and interaction details for more context—for example, seeing that a security question came from a support ticket with Ava Wilson.
  3. Prioritize content based on the most frequently asked questions or the ones that align with your business goals.

Step 4: Generate Content Ideas Using AI

CustomerIQ’s AI assistant can also help you quickly generate content outlines based on the questions you’ve gathered:

  1. Click the AI Assistant button and select an option, such as "Outline a blog post."
  2. The assistant will automatically create a structured outline based on the clustered questions, including sections like Advanced Security Protocols or Compliance Certifications.

You can then use this outline to develop blog posts, guides, or other sales enablement materials.

Step 5: Build Your Content Pipeline

Once you've generated content ideas, you can:

  1. Add them to your content pipeline to ensure they’re addressed in future content efforts.
  2. Continue exploring other themes, such as product updates or documentation requests, to build a comprehensive content strategy.

Conclusion: Drive Your Content Strategy with CustomerIQ

By using CustomerIQ to analyze customer questions and cluster them into common themes, you can identify and prioritize content that addresses the most pressing customer needs. This streamlined approach allows you to create relevant content that engages your audience and supports your sales and support teams.

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