Customer Success

Preparing for Customer Meetings

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Preparing for Meetings with CustomerIQ

CustomerIQ makes it easy to prepare for any upcoming meeting by quickly gathering all relevant information. Here’s how you can efficiently use the platform to get ready and stay ahead.

Step 1: Gather Information from Accounts and Contacts

Before heading into your meeting, the first step is to gather insights from previous interactions:

  1. Navigate to Contacts or Accounts under the Customers tab.
  2. Find the account you’re meeting with. For example, if you’re preparing for a meeting with NovaTech, simply search for and select that account.

Step 2: Use the AI Assistant to Catch Up on Key Details

CustomerIQ’s AI Assistant provides a complete overview of the account's situation:

  1. Click the Ask AI button in the top corner.
  2. Ask the AI something like, “Catch me up on the pain points.” The assistant will generate a summary based on all the context captured during past interactions—giving you a clear understanding of what the customer is facing and what solutions to offer.

For example, you might get insights related to spend, impression volume, or any other specific challenges mentioned in previous calls or emails.

Step 3: Anticipate Objections

To further prepare, use the AI Assistant to proactively identify potential objections:

  1. Ask the AI, “What objections might I face?”
  2. The assistant will analyze the context and provide possible challenges or concerns the customer may raise, helping you stay one step ahead during the meeting.

Step 4: Review Specific Highlights and Notes

For additional context, you can manually review highlights and notes that have been captured in the account:

  1. Check out the Properties section for detailed notes or past Requests the customer has made.
  2. You can also review Competitor information or other specific data that could be helpful to mention during your meeting.

Conclusion: Effortless Preparation in Seconds

With CustomerIQ, preparing for meetings takes just a few seconds. The AI Assistant and captured insights give you everything you need—without the need to comb through lengthy notes—so you can head into your meeting confident and well-prepared.

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