Product Management

Searching for Mentions

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Using CustomerIQ to Validate New Initiatives

When you're in a planning meeting and discussing a potential new feature or initiative, CustomerIQ can help you quickly gather feedback from across your customer interactions. By leveraging AI search, you can find mentions and related discussions from your sales calls, support channels, customer success calls, emails, and more. Here’s how to use it effectively:

Step 1: Create a View for Your Initiative

To start, you’ll want to search for mentions of the initiative or feature you’re considering:

  1. Navigate to Highlights and then go to Views.
  2. Create a new view. For example, if you’re an ad tech platform exploring a new feature for Private Marketplace (PMP) spend, name the view something like "PMP Spend Exploration."

Step 2: Use AI-Powered Search for Relevant Mentions

Once your view is created, use CustomerIQ’s AI-powered search to find relevant mentions:

  1. In the search bar, type a general topic like "PMP spend."
  2. CustomerIQ will search through all connected channels, such as sales calls, emails, and support tickets, to surface semantically related mentions—even if they don’t use the exact same keywords.

For instance, you’ll see highlights related to programmatic spend or marketplace spend that are tied to PMP, even if customers didn’t use those exact words.

Step 3: Analyze Trends and Mentions

CustomerIQ will show you highlights across your workspace that are relevant to your search:

  1. Review the number of highlights in the last 30 or 90 days to see how often the topic has come up. You may even notice a spike in discussions, which could signal increased customer interest.
  2. Dive into specific highlights to see which accounts, such as Bright Tech or Skyline Digital, have discussed PMP spend and in what context (e.g., sales calls, support channels).

Step 4: Validate or Invalidate the Initiative

Use the insights gathered from CustomerIQ to justify or invalidate the initiative:

  1. Explore the details within each highlight, and if necessary, dive deeper into the associated account records for more context.
  2. Share your findings with your team to make data-driven decisions on whether to prioritize the initiative.

Conclusion: Streamline Decision-Making with CustomerIQ

By using CustomerIQ to search across all customer interactions, you can quickly validate or invalidate new initiatives, ensuring your team stays focused on features and projects that matter most to your customers.

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