Product Management

Building a Roadmap

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Building Your Roadmap with CustomerIQ

When planning the next phase of your product roadmap, it's crucial to understand what your customers are asking for and the pain points they experience. CustomerIQ enables you to gather insights from all customer interactions and turn them into actionable roadmap items. Here's how you can use CustomerIQ to shape your product roadmap:

Step 1: Create a View for Customer Insights

To start, you'll want to create a view that organizes customer feedback:

  1. Navigate to Highlights, then go to Views.
  2. Create a new view and name it something like "Feature Requests."
  3. Filter by the last 90 days of highlights (or adjust the timeframe as needed).
  4. Apply a filter for Feature Requests (you can also filter for pain points, questions, or bugs).

Step 2: Use the AI to Discover Trends

Once your view is set up, CustomerIQ’s AI will automatically cluster and organize related feedback:

  1. Click Start Discovering, and CustomerIQ will group similar feature requests, ranking them from most mentioned to least.
  2. You can adjust the visual representation—whether as a bar chart or a trend line—to analyze the data effectively.

For example, you might see clusters around a specific feature, such as envelope payer address, with multiple customers requesting similar improvements.

Step 3: Prioritize Features Based on Trends

Now that you’ve gathered insights, you can:

  1. Explore individual clusters to see which features are trending and decide which ones align with your team’s priorities.
  2. Hide irrelevant feedback to focus on what’s most important to your product strategy.

For example, if the envelope payer address feature has been requested by multiple customers, it might become a top priority for the next roadmap phase.

Step 4: Organize and Save to Projects

Once you’ve identified key features to prioritize:

  1. Select the relevant highlights and create a project to save them.
  2. As more customer feedback comes in, it will automatically be organized into the same view, keeping your project updated and ready for action.

You can also export this information to your roadmapping tool, such as Jira or Linear, to streamline the process.

Conclusion: Turn Customer Feedback into Actionable Roadmap Items

By using CustomerIQ to analyze and cluster customer feedback, your team can prioritize the most impactful feature requests and build a roadmap that addresses your customers' needs. With real-time updates, you’ll always be ready to adjust and refine your roadmap as new feedback comes in.

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