
SWOT Analysis

Organize feedback describing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

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SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning tool used to identify and evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats related to a project, business, or research objective. In the context of UX research, SWOT analysis can help understand the user experience, identify design strengths and weaknesses, and locate opportunities for improvement.

This template creates a SWOT analysis based on the following tags:

Strengths: These are the positive attributes, internal to your organization or project, that add value or offer a competitive advantage. Possible insights might describe: Usability, User Satisfaction, User Engagement, High Conversion Rates, Low Bounce Rates, Positive User Feedback, Innovative Features, Speed/Performance

Weaknesses: These are internal factors that remove value or give a disadvantage. Possible insights might describe: Usability Issues, User Dissatisfaction, Low Engagement, High Bounce Rates, Negative User Feedback, Lack of Key Features, Poor Performance/Speed, Complex Navigation

Opportunities: These are external factors that the organization or project could exploit to its advantage. Possible insights might describe: Market Trends, Emerging Technologies, User Suggestions, Competitor Weaknesses, Demographic Changes

Threats: These are external factors that could harm the organization or project. Possible insights might describe: ​​Competitor Strengths, Regulatory Changes, Technological Changes, Negative Market Trends, Economic Downturns

Tagging the data this way will allow you to filter and view the UX research data through the lens of each SWOT category, enabling a more structured approach to finding insights and making strategic decisions. Keep in mind that these tags should be customized based on the specifics of your UX research and the product or service under investigation.

How to use this template to create your SWOT analysis

This template creates the above tags for you to organize your insights. Most templates use our classification view, which can tag all insights for you automatically after you provide one or more examples of an insight that fits into a given tag category. Here’s how to use this template:

  1. Create a new view and choose the SWOT analysis template
  2. Find at least one example from the uncategorized section and map it to one of the columns created by this template
  3. When each column has one or more examples in it, click “Classify”

And that’s it! CustomerIQ’s AI will go to work sorting your insights. This process typically takes only 20-30 seconds.

Pro tip: Classify, then discover

After classifying into the above tags, if you find that the newly formed groups have a large number of insights, you can find themes within this new group by creating a new view, filtering by this classification tag, and using the AI to discover underlying themes. Learn more about the practice: Classify, then discover here.

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