
NPS (Analysis)

Use this template to analyze responses from your NPS survey

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NPS (Analysis)

The Net Promoter Score, or NPS, is a tool often utilized by organizations to gauge the loyalty of a company's customer relationships. The NPS is a measure that has proven effective in identifying overall customer sentiment about a product, brand, or service. It categorizes customers into groups: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.

After collecting customer feedback through methods such as surveys or customer feedback forms, we can utilize CustomerIQ to categorize our findings using the NPS Analysis template. 

This template creates an NPS analysis based on the following tags:

Product: Feedback relating to the product itself, such as its features, functionality, etc.

Customer Service: Feedback on the customer service experience, including interactions with company representatives, response times, etc.

Pricing: Feedback specifically related to the cost of the product or service.

User Experience: Feedback concerning the ease of use, interface, user-friendliness, etc.

Delivery/Shipping: Feedback on the timeliness, condition, or method of delivery for physical products.

Other: Anything that doesn't neatly fit into the other categories.

By tagging your data in this way, you can organize your findings and see patterns more easily. This can help you gain a better understanding of the user's experience and can guide your decisions about how to improve that experience.

How to use this template to create your Net promoter score (NPS) analysis

This template creates the above tags for you to organize your insights. Most templates use our classification view, which can tag all insights for you automatically after you provide one or more examples of an insight that fits into a given tag category. Here’s how to use this template:

  1. Create a new view and choose the NPS (analysis) template
  2. Find at least one example from the uncategorized section and map it to one of the columns created by this template
  3. When each column has one or more examples in it, click “Classify”

And that’s it! CustomerIQ’s AI will go to work sorting your insights. This process typically takes only 20-30 seconds.

Pro tip: Classify, then discover

For NPS analysis, we recommend tagging recipient contacts as either promoter, passive, or detractor depending on how they responded to your NPS survey. After classifying into the above tags, if you find that the newly formed groups have a large number of insights, you can find themes within this new group by creating a new view, filtering by this classification tag, and using the AI to discover underlying themes. Learn more about the practice: Classify, then discover here.

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