Customer Experience

Issue Priority map

Instantly sort support issues by priority using this template

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Issue Priority map

One of the crucial aspects for a support team is to prioritize customer issues effectively. To do this, a common and efficient method is by organizing these issues into an Issue Priority Map. This map categorizes issues into three levels based on their impact on the business or the severity of the issue reported: High, Medium, or Low. By using this method, support teams can quickly identify which tickets need immediate attention, optimizing both team effort and customer satisfaction.

This template crafts an Issue Priority Map based on the following tags:

High Priority: These are severe issues that critically impact the user or the business operation. They demand immediate attention and swift resolution due to the considerable influence they have on user experience or business functionality. Potential issues might include: Major Security Breach, Significant System Outage, Data Loss, Massive Transactional Errors, Server Crash, High-Risk Software Bug.

Medium Priority: These are issues that create inconvenience or discomfort but don't have an immediate or severe impact on user experience or business operation. However, these issues shouldn't be overlooked and should be resolved in a timely manner. Potential issues might include: Intermittent Software Glitches, Slow Performance, Minor Functional Errors, Occasional Accessibility Issues, Unresolved User Queries.

Low Priority: These are minor issues or requests that do not critically impact the user experience or business operation. While these issues should be addressed eventually, they can be attended to after high and medium priority issues are resolved. Potential issues might include: Minor User Interface Problems, Cosmetic Issues, Feature Requests, Documentation Improvements, Non-Urgent Queries.

How to Use This Template to Create Your Issue Priority Map:

This template generates the above tags for you to streamline your issue classification. This is generally done with our classification view, which can automatically tag all issues once you provide one or more examples that fit into each tag category. Here’s how to use this template:

1. Create a new view and choose the Issue Priority Map template.

2. Find at least one example from the uncategorized section and map it to one of the columns created by this template.

3. When each column has one or more examples in it, click “Classify”.

That’s it! CustomerIQ’s AI will go to work sorting your issues. This process typically takes only 20-30 seconds.

Pro Tip: Classify, Then Discover:

After classifying the issues into the above tags, if you find that the newly formed groups have a large number of issues, you can find themes within this new group by creating a new view, filtering by this classification tag, and using the AI to discover underlying themes. 

To delve deeper into this practice, explore: Classify, Then Discover here.

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