Customer Experience

Issue map

Classify feedback as a bug, feature request, inquiry, billing issue, and more with this template

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Issue map

An effective customer service operation understands the importance of quickly routing customer feedback to the right team or individual. By categorizing feedback as either a Bug Report, Feature Request, General Inquiry, Technical Issue, Billing Issue, and so on, teams can speed up issue resolution and enhance customer satisfaction. This classification system, known as an Issue Map, enables organizations to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness in handling customer queries and concerns.

This template structures an Issue Map based on the following feedback tags:

Bug Report: These are technical glitches that need to be addressed by your product or development team. Examples may include: Software Crashes, Functionality Problems, Unexpected Errors.

Feature Request: These suggestions for product improvements should be directed towards your product management or development team. Examples may include: Request for New Functionality, Enhancements to Existing Features, Suggestions for Interface Improvements.

General Inquiry: Such feedback can usually be handled by your customer service or helpdesk team. Examples may include: Queries about Product Capabilities, Requests for User Guides, General Usage Questions.

Technical Issue: These might be best addressed by a specialized technical support team. Examples may include: Problems with System Integration, Advanced Troubleshooting, Server or Network-related Issues.

Billing Issue: These issues are typically handled by your billing or finance department. Examples may include: Questions about Invoices, Payment Processing Issues, Refund Requests.

How to Use This Template to Create Your Issue Map:

This template generates the above feedback tags for you to streamline your issue classification. This is typically done with our classification view, which can automatically tag all feedback once you provide one or more examples that fit into each feedback category. Here’s how to use this template:

1. Create a new view and choose the Issue Map template.

2. Find at least one example from the uncategorized section and map it to one of the columns created by this template.

3. When each column has one or more examples in it, click “Classify”.

And you're done! CustomerIQ’s AI will begin sorting your feedback. This process usually takes just 20-30 seconds.

Pro Tip: Classify, Then Discover:

After classifying the feedback into the above tags, if you find that the newly formed groups have a large volume of feedback, you can identify trends within these groups by creating a new view, filtering by this classification tag, and using the AI to discover underlying themes. 

For a more in-depth understanding of this process, visit: Classify, Then Discover here.

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