Customer Experience

Feature map

Tag support issues with feature areas or names to help triage bugs and requests

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Feature map

By tagging feedback according to specific product features, teams can take a more specialized and focused approach to resolving issues and improving their offering. This classification approach, known as a Feature Map, enables teams to track user interaction with individual features and better understand areas of strength and weakness.

This template constructs a Feature Map based on the following feature tags:

User Interface (UI): Feedback tagged with this feature relates to elements like design, layout, and ease of navigation. Examples could include comments about the color scheme, button placement, or the intuitiveness of the menus.

Performance: Feedback that pertains to the overall performance and speed of the software or app. This could include comments about loading times, application responsiveness, or issues with lag.

Security: Feedback related to the security and privacy features of your product. Feedback might highlight concerns about data protection, the strength of password encryption, or the user's ability to control privacy settings.

Integration: This tag applies to feedback on how well the product or service integrates with other software, platforms, or devices. Examples might be comments about compatibility with various operating systems, sync issues with other apps, or ease of data export/import.

Support: This could include comments about the ease of reaching support, the responsiveness of the support team, or the quality of help documentation.

How to Use This Template to Create Your Feature Map:

This template generates the above feature tags for you to simplify your feedback organization. Most often this is done with our classification view, which can automatically tag all feedback once you provide one or more examples that fit into each feature category. Here’s how to use this template:

1. Create a new view and choose the Feature Map template.

2. Find at least one example from the uncategorized section and map it to one of the columns created by this template.

3. When each column has one or more examples in it, click “Classify”.

Voila! CustomerIQ’s AI will begin sorting your feedback. This process usually takes just 20-30 seconds.

Pro Tip: Classify, Then Discover:

After classifying the feedback into the above feature tags, if you find that the newly formed groups have a large amount of feedback, you can find patterns within this new group by creating a new view, filtering by this classification tag, and using the AI to discover underlying themes. 

Want to know more about this process? Check out: Classify, Then Discover here.

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