Zapier integration

CustomerIQ | Zapier integration

CustomerIQ surfaces customer feature requests, pain points, issues, and more from customer feedback in over 1,000 applications with Zapier. We discover themes and quantify by deal values so you can put prioritization on auto-pilot and make big bets with confidence.


Align your team with the customer

Before CustomerIQ, the only way to make sense of trends in customer feedback is through hours of manual work. Now product, marketing, and success teams have a deep understanding of what customers need in real-time.

Discover features
Discover feature requests and pain points hidden in feedback.
Spot trends
Understand themes emerging from customer conversations in real-time.
Quantify with revenue
Prioritize insights by revenue with associated deal values in your CRM.

Feedback from 1,000+ applications

Connect a customer feedback channel with Zapier to get a deep understanding of what's happening with customers. Stay on top of feature requests, deal blockers, potential issues with accounts, and more.

Real-time sync
Pull historical data. Then, as new feedback is created it's synced to your workspace.
AI highlights
AI automatically extracts feature requests, pain points, preferences and other highlights and groups them by theme.

Filter by segment, discover themes, search topics

With all your feedback in one place you can split highlights by account or contact segments, discover common themes, detect trends, or answer specific questions.


Quantify with revenue

With your CRM connected we enrich every contact and account record with associated deal values and other fields. This makes it simple to quantify themes identified in Views with revenue from associated records. Put prioritization on auto-pilot and make big bets with confidence.


Connect CustomerIQ to over 1,000 applications with Zapier

Connect integrations, follow our start guide, and have your team up and running in minutes.