Jun 15, 2023

Pragmatic Marketing: Product strategy framework explained

Pragmatic Marketing: Product strategy framework explained

Pragmatic Marketing: Product strategy framework explained

If you're in the world of product development, you may have come across the term "Pragmatic Marketing." In this article, we will dive into what exactly this framework is, how it can benefit your organization, and steps for implementing it.

Understanding Pragmatic Marketing

What is Pragmatic Marketing?

Pragmatic Marketing is a product management framework that emphasizes a market-driven approach to building products. Instead of relying solely on internal ideas and assumptions, a market-driven approach puts customer insights at the forefront of product decision-making.

By prioritizing customer needs and wants, Pragmatic Marketing helps organizations create products that are more likely to succeed in the market. This approach involves conducting extensive market research, gathering customer feedback, and analyzing industry trends to inform product development decisions.

The history of Pragmatic Marketing

Pragmatic Marketing was founded in the early 1990s by Steve Johnson. Johnson saw a need for a framework that would help product managers prioritize features and functionality based on market research and customer needs.

Since its founding, Pragmatic Marketing has become a widely recognized and respected approach to product management. The framework has been adopted by thousands of organizations around the world, and has helped countless companies create successful products that meet the needs of their customers.

Key principles of Pragmatic Marketing

The key principles of Pragmatic Marketing include:

  • Market-driven: Pragmatic Marketing emphasizes the importance of gathering and analyzing market data to inform product development decisions. By understanding the needs and wants of customers, organizations can create products that are more likely to succeed in the market.
  • Focus on solving problems: Pragmatic Marketing encourages organizations to focus on solving real-world problems for their customers. By identifying and addressing pain points, organizations can create products that provide real value to their customers.
  • Build a cross-functional team: Pragmatic Marketing emphasizes the importance of collaboration between different departments within an organization. By bringing together individuals with diverse perspectives and skill sets, organizations can create products that are more likely to meet the needs of their customers.
  • Aligned with business strategy: Pragmatic Marketing emphasizes the importance of aligning product development efforts with overall business strategy. By ensuring that product development efforts are in line with broader organizational goals, organizations can create products that contribute to the success of the business as a whole.

These principles may seem simple, but they require a fundamental change in the way organizations approach product development. By prioritizing customer needs and wants, and by focusing on solving real-world problems, organizations can create products that are more likely to succeed in the market.

The Product Strategy Framework

Developing a product strategy is a critical step in creating a successful product. The product strategy framework provides a structured approach to guide this process. Here are some key elements of the framework:

Market-driven approach

One of the most important aspects of the product strategy framework is taking a market-driven approach. This means putting the needs of your customers first and using market research to guide your product decisions. By understanding your customers' pain points and needs, you can create a product that truly meets their needs and solves their problems.

Defining your product's vision

A clear product vision is essential for guiding product development. Your product vision should be based on the needs of your target customers and the business goals of your organization. It should provide a clear direction for your product development efforts and help you make decisions about what features and functionality to include.

For example, if your product is a project management tool for small businesses, your product vision might be to create a tool that simplifies project management and helps small businesses stay organized and on track.

Identifying target customers

Identifying and understanding your target customers is crucial to building successful products. This includes understanding their needs, pain points, and motivations. By understanding your target customers, you can create a product that truly meets their needs and solves their problems.

For example, if your product is a fitness app, your target customers might be people who are looking to get in shape or improve their overall health. By understanding their motivations and goals, you can create a product that provides the right features and functionality to help them achieve their goals.

Analyzing the competitive landscape

Conducting a competitive analysis will help you understand how your product fits into the market landscape. This includes identifying your competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and how you can differentiate your product.

For example, if your product is a social media platform, you might analyze competitors like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. By understanding their strengths and weaknesses, you can identify opportunities to differentiate your product and provide unique value to your users.

Setting strategic goals

Setting strategic goals will help you prioritize your product development efforts. Your goals should be based on your product vision and the needs of your target customers. By setting clear goals, you can focus your efforts on the most important areas and make sure you're making progress towards your overall vision.

For example, if your product is a productivity app, your strategic goals might include improving user engagement, increasing user retention, and adding new features to help users be more productive.

By following the product strategy framework and focusing on your customers' needs and goals, you can create a product that truly meets their needs and provides value to your organization.

The Pragmatic Marketing Process

The Pragmatic Marketing Process is a comprehensive approach to building products that solve real customer problems. It consists of a framework called the Pragmatic Marketing Grid, which is used to prioritize product development efforts, as well as 37 activities that cover the entire product development lifecycle.

The Pragmatic Marketing Grid

The Pragmatic Marketing Grid is a powerful tool for product managers. It consists of four quadrants: Must-Haves, Differentiators, Vision, and Trade-Offs. The Must-Haves quadrant includes features that are essential to the product's success. Differentiators are features that set the product apart from its competitors. Visionary features are those that anticipate customer needs and expectations. Trade-Offs are features that can be sacrificed in order to focus on other priorities.

By using the Pragmatic Marketing Grid, product managers can prioritize their efforts and ensure that they are building products that meet customer needs and expectations.

The 37 activities of Pragmatic Marketing

The Pragmatic Marketing framework consists of 37 activities that cover the entire product development lifecycle. These activities are designed to help organizations build products that solve real customer problems. They include activities such as market research, product launch planning, and customer validation.

By following these activities, organizations can ensure that they are building products that are aligned with customer needs and expectations. This can lead to greater customer satisfaction and increased revenue.

Aligning your organization with the framework

Implementing the Pragmatic Marketing framework requires a cross-functional team that includes product managers, marketing, sales, and engineering. By aligning your organization around a common framework, you can ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.

Product managers can use the Pragmatic Marketing Grid to prioritize their efforts, while marketing and sales teams can use the framework to develop messaging and positioning that resonates with customers. Engineering teams can use the framework to ensure that they are building products that meet customer needs and expectations.

By aligning your organization with the Pragmatic Marketing framework, you can ensure that you are building products that solve real customer problems and drive business success.

Implementing Pragmatic Marketing in Your Organization

Assessing your current product strategy

Implementing Pragmatic Marketing requires a fundamental change in the way organizations approach product development. Before getting started, it is important to assess your current product strategy and identify areas that need improvement.

Building a cross-functional team

A successful Pragmatic Marketing implementation requires a cross-functional team that includes product managers, marketing, sales, and engineering. This team should be aligned around the Pragmatic Marketing framework and work together to prioritize product development efforts.

Training and certification options

Pragmatic Marketing offers training and certification options for organizations and individuals. These options can help you build the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully implement the framework.

Measuring success and iterating

Measuring success is an essential part of any product development effort. By setting measurable goals and tracking progress over time, you can ensure that your product development efforts are aligned with the needs of your target customers and business goals.


Pragmatic Marketing offers a market-driven approach to building successful products. By prioritizing the needs of your customers over internal assumptions and ideas, you can build products that solve real problems and drive business success. Implementing Pragmatic Marketing requires a fundamental change in the way organizations approach product development, but the results can be well worth the effort.

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